1. Your best diet is the one that you can stick to. 2.…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #363
1. It only takes five minutes to break the cycle. 2. Give…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #362
1. Calories determine your weight. 2. Macronutrients determine your body fat. 3.…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #361
1. Deadlines drive decisions. 2. Insulin can’t store the energy you haven’t…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #360
1. Learning is valuable until it becomes a form of procrastination. 2.…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #359
1. Eat well today, feel better tomorrow. 2. Price is what you…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #358
1. Imperfect starts are better than perfect inaction. 2. Celebrate your imperfections.…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #357
1. If you want it bad enough, you’ll figure out how to…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #356
1. Authenticity is the alignment of your thoughts, your words, & your…
What I’ve Learnt This WeeK #355
from the past 6 years of Marriage Personal Best – 5 years…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #354
1. If it makes you feel like shit afterwards, it’s probably not…
What I’ve Learnt This Week #353
We need to be reminded more than we need to be taught.…